Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Setting Her Free

Since we had the workbench outside this weekend for Andrew to help Daddy, it has not made it back to Andrew's room. It has been sitting by the back door and he has been playing with it constantly.

The last two days he has been carrying around tools everywhere. His favorite tool is the saw. His favorite thing to do with the saw...use it on my stomach. It seems as though he is trying to cut his sister out of my stomach so he can meet her.

Amazingly, she has not seemed to mind the noise or the movement on her. Mom, on the other hand, finds it a bit annoying.

He also loves her PINK blanket. It is the only thing he will throw his blanket down for. After he got up from his nap he went and got her blanket and brought it to me. What is funny though, he always says "Mady" as he covers my belly...only my belly (he is very precise about it). Then he lays his head on the blanket and plays with the corner like he does his blanket.

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