Friday, March 20, 2009

35 Week Check-up

We went this morning for my 35 week check-up. We are ALMOST THERE!!! One month to go.

She is still measuring great (although she feel super gigormous to me) and her heartbeat was 145 bpm.

She moves all the time, but she stays in the same place. I guess she is just a squirmy little girl that likes to stretch out. Her head is low on the left and her feet are in my ribs on the right. She stays that way all the time. So, she gets my bladder and lungs at the same time...FUN FUN!

The boys are all very excited about her arrival. I get asked at least once a day by one of them when she will be here. Andrew is becoming increasingly more obsessed with my belly (and my belly button) and still likes to tell Mady how much he loves her and give her hugs and kisses frequently. I have to watch him when we are out because he likes to try to pull up my shirt to love on her.

I am to the point where I am ready to be done being pregnant. I am tired of my ever-shrinking wardrobe, feeling blah and tired all the time and just the general uncomfortableness of being nine months pregnant! I think everyday I try and get dressed there are more clothes that DON'T fit me, that did last time I wore them.

I was told by my drs nurse that after today I would start going weekly, but the dr said today I could come back in two weeks and then weekly after that. That means I only have three more appointments in her office.

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