Monday, February 16, 2009

Why Projects Take So Long to Finish

Paul's new tank has plants in it. He has had problems with it since he set it up with algae. He is trying this new thing with changing water every week. He has this hose called a Python that you hook to your sink and it syphins the water out and you flip a switch on the hose and you can fill the tank back up.

Yesterday, Paul was working on taking water out of the tank. It got clogged up from what he thought was algae. He went outside with the part of the hose that was clogged and stood on the backporch swinging it trying to unclog it. This is what happened....

That is right, the hose flew off and went OVER the roof. This is the side of the house, he was in the back of the house. He got out a ladder and climbed up to get it. I picked it up and looked in it. The clog wasn't from algae, it was from a huge snail. He simply needed to push the snail out of they way and it worked fine!

See, even HE has blonde moments!

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