Wednesday, February 18, 2009

What Happened to My Mornings?

I don't do well if I have to wake up to kids fighting and argueing and screaming, etc. That is why I get up when Paul does, at 5 in the morning. The idea is, I am up and ready to go and had some quiet time before the boys get going.

Isaac and Bryce have, I guess a competition, going on to see who can be the first one up. They are getting up right after Paul leaves. This morning I told Isaac to go back to bed. He did for about 10 minutes. Then he came to my room.

The mornings are getting earlier and earlier and I am getting shorter and shorter with the kids every morning (not to mention the boys in bad moods because they are not getting enough sleep). So, when I go grocery shopping next I am buying two alarm clocks. One for each of their bedrooms. Noone is allowed up until the alarm goes off. There is no reason for the kids to be getting up before six every morning!!

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