Tuesday, February 03, 2009

28 Week Dr Appt

I just got home from the dr. Mady still seems to be doing great - good measurement, 150bpm. Mady, however, decided to show the dr just how stubborn she really is. Usually the dr can get the heartbeat pretty immediately. Today, it took several minutes. The dr finally commented that the baby was not cooperating and moving around a lot. I told her that when Mady does not like something, she lets me know it. I pointed out that she does not like anything pushing on my belly, driving across my belly, light shining on my belly (including Andrew's new favorite past time of shining a flashlight on my bare stomach), loud noises on my belly (like AJ's and Daddy's raspberries they LOVE to irritate her with).

When I got up to leave, Andrew immediately tried to pull my shirt up. The dr started laughing as I told her he is obsessed with my bare belly.

I discussed the Braxton-Hicks contractions, which I am having pretty frequently since Saturday. Paul is somewhat concerned, but there is no consistency to the contractions. The dr said those that have them usually start getting them around 30 weeks. I am 28 and she told me to get used to them (not sure that will happen). Last night was pretty much one constant contraction. The pain would ease up and get bad again, but for a couple of hours it never went away.

Mr. Man did great as normal. He is such a flirt with the nurses and they all eat it up. Not to mention all the other pregos in the office oohhing and aahhing over him. He sat in Mady's stroller because his is in Daddy's Jeep at work. He LOVES Mady's stroller. It is much bigger than his (he had a small one because a regular size would not fit in our old car) and he took advantage of the space, placing his monkey next to him and covering them both with his blankie, holding several books, milk in his cupholder and snack on the tray. He did not want to get out of it and usually he can't get out quick enough. I hope he can get over someone else being in it!

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