Friday, February 27, 2009

Andrew Milestones

I just thought I would post a little about what Andrew is doing. He is doing so many new things at one time now, it is hard to keep up with them all. I think this is the stage where you see the most growth in learning. It is amazing.

He is still interested in potty training, although we are not making it anywhere very fast. He has not actually pottied in the potty since the first day we started, but he IS telling us right after he goes. He will come up and say "peepee YUCK" or "poopoo YUCK" and pull at his diaper. If you don't get it off of him quick enough (like immediately) he will take it off. He is also still asking to sit on the potty all the time and prefers being naked over having anything on. I am not pushing him on this. He is not even two, so I am just going along with him on it.

We have been playing the body part game for some time now. It has been I will ask him where his....(insert body part) is and he would point to it on him. Then it got to where he would point to it on him and everyone else around him. Now, he says the body part and points to it. This morning he was at the table and kept saying "No. No. No. No." over and over. He has been saying no a lot lately, so I thought that was what he was doing, but he was doing it very calmly. Usually if he is saying no to or about something he says it with a lot of feeling. I turned around and he was pointing to his nose. When I acknowledged it was his nose, he started "mou" and "ear" and "belbow" and "knee", etc. After he went through all of it he started doing it to me.

His vocabulary is still growing daily. I can't even keep up with what all he is saying now. "Jo" is a new one, he says for Curious George. He says "I wub you", "ni-ni" (night-night) and waves when it is bed time, he says "byebye" to EVERYONE, not just a collective bye bye. He wants noone to feel left out so as we leave stores or drs or whereever, he says bye bye to EVERY individual person. Of course, he gets a LOT of attention that way. This mornings new word is "alligor oh no!" (alligator)' There are many other words he is saying, but I can't think of them all right now.

He has such expression when he talks. That is one of the things I love to watch about him. He makes a face with everything he says. Frequently, he will just walk up to you and make faces at you and then start giggling and want you to make them back. He is pretty funny!

I think the cutest thing he does at this point is his obsession to my belly and his sister. I absolutely love the way he says Mady's name. He says it with such sweetness and tenderness. He talks to her all the time. He "gives" her his toys (puts his toys in my shirt and says "Maudy") and if I try to give them back to him he yells NO NO at me and puts it back. He loves to lay his head on my belly and get kicked. When she kicks him, he sits up and says "No No Maudy" and then laughs and puts his head back down (harder each time she kicks). It is a game they play with each other. I only hope that when she is OUTSIDE my belly, he loves and adores her as much as he does while she is IN my belly.

I also love that he still loves to cuddle. He is quite content to sit or lay on the couch with me most of the time. Especially if you turn on "Ming Ming" (Wonder Pets), Backyardigans, Curious George or any of the old cartoons (Popeye, Pink Panther, Tom and Jerry). His favorite thing to do it we are watching those is to sit in his DADDY'S lap. I would say out of all of the boys at this age, he is the most a Daddys boy. When he hears Daddy come home he is the first one at the door to greet him and get a foot ride across the kitchen. He gets SO excited when Daddy comes home. He dances at the door yelling DADDY until the door opens.

Now for the not so good stuff.....he can throw some killer temper tantrums! He h as them mastered already. He also says NO at everything, which is very annoying and frustrating to his parents! He likes to go from one thing he knows he is not supposed to do, to another. I think it is his way of keeping us moving and the attention on HIM.

To end it on a good note, he still wants to take the trash out every chance he gets. Gotta love it while it last!!

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