Monday, February 02, 2009

Caleb's Coat Drama

As you may know, I have to fight Caleb to put a coat on any time it is cold outside. He doesn't like his "big" coat (he says it is too small, but really just wants a new one, it fits perfect) so he always just wants to wear his sweatshirt.

Last week when he had his field trip to see Rodin's sculptures, we had the arguement again. I knew it was supposed to be pretty cool and they were spending a portion of their trip outside. He kept argueing, trying to sneak out in the sweatshirt, etc. Finally, I just told him he didn't need to watch for his bus because I was going to take him to school so I could personally tell his teacher he could not go on the field trip because he would not wear a coat. He put his coat on, that was the end of it.

Today, it is supposed to be cool and raining. I told him to get a coat (but didn't specify because it isn't that bad out). He said "I will get my blue sweatshirt because I can transport it with less energy."

Who talks like that (other than Caleb) and is that really an excuse he thinks I would buy if it was really cold out?

1 comment:

7littlerainbows said...

Only Caleb!