Monday, February 23, 2009

When Will I Learn?

I bragged this morning to my husband about how good the kids were being, how well they were playing together.

I KNOW NOT to do that.

Either it will jinx it and they will quit behaving or they were not behaving to begin with and I will find what they were doing later.

Today was BOTH!

I told the boys to play quietly while AJ took his nap. After playing quietly all morning, they decided they were done with that. So, I made them lay down for a bit. After lunch, I let them go outside, but told them to stay on the porch because yesterday they were running over the rose bushes Paul had JUST planted for me, among numerous other things they KNOW they are not supposed to do. They sat out there and fought. I made them lay back down so AJ could finish his nap.

I go in to Isaac and Caleb's room because I hear Isaac screaming at Caleb to stop spitting on him. I go in and notice that the CD drive in their computer is partially open. After a quick look, I notice why. When did a 10 or 7 year old (and I KNOW which one did it) decide a CD drive was a good place to hide GUM?

I go back to my work on the kitchen floor. I was mopping and hear a dripping sound. I look under the sink to see that the sink is leaking. Not just a small leak. A very fast leak! The sink was plugged (I was mopping!!) but somehow the water was leaking through that and out the pipe.

This is turning out to be one of THOSE days that you wonder if this was the kind of punishment you had in mind when you decided to have kids.

Is it bedtime yet?

If I am lucky, they are just trying to fit in and do the whole Mardi Gras thing. That means by Wednesday they have to start being angels for Lent.....right?

Updated at 4:20 Let's top it off with Andrew "coloring" my wood coffee table with a SCREW....the sharp pointy end OF COURSE!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tonight, after all your 'angels' are asleep and before you go to bed go into their rooms and take a long look at those angelic faces, say a prayer for them and then go to bed with that picture and prayer in your mind. This too shall pass and they will eventually grow up and have their own children to deal with. Love, MOm