Thursday, February 05, 2009

Future Polar Bear Club Member

We are headed to Arkansas this weekend to put our house back on the market. We usually stay in a hotel in West Little Rock that has an indoor pool, but they were booked this weekend. So we decided to just stay in one in Bryant and not have to spend anymore time in the car than we have to.

This morning the boys were all up packing their bags with toys (toys they don't play with) to take on our trip. We had already told them no toys, but they are going to try anyway (we are leaving tomorrow and coming back Saturday). To keep from having to much chaos, I packed their stuff while they were at school. Caleb just got home and said he was going to pack. I told him I had. He said he was going to grab his swimsuit. I told him the hotels pool is outside.

"What's so wrong about that?"

The daily coat arguement is not enough!

I can see that boy participating in the Polar Bear Club!!

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