Sunday, February 22, 2009

Our First Mardi Gras in LA

We were leaving Baton Rouge yesterday, headed home from errands, around lunchtime. We got on the interstate to come home and there were cars parked EVERYWHERE. Miles of the shoulder of the interstate, all the entrance/exit ramp shoulders, any grass medians, etc were bumper to bumper cars. This was all for the Mardi Gras parade that was taking place downtown. The interstate does NOT go through downtown, people were hiking because there was no where else to park. Doesn't seem to safe to me!

We heard on the news this morning that there was a guy killed when he fell off his float (after the parade route) and the float ran over him. It sounded like there was some alcohol involved.

These are two reasons enough for us NOT to go to the parades.

We sat down yesterday and explained to the boys why we were not going to the parades. We explained that it is not a typical parade like what they see at Christmas time. There would be people drinking, throwing things, etc and it would be really crazy. We never heard anything else from them about going.

It is celebration enough for THEM that they get the next two days off of school for Mardi Gras.

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