Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Strangers and Opinions

Our family has always drawn a lot of attention. Whether it be the four kids or that they are all boys or that there are four boys......whatever. We get comments all the time. They don't bother me much, I just ignore them.

However, when I have complete strangers (passport lady) talking to Andrew and about the baby and asking if I had any other kids. I said I had four boys and one on the way. She grabbed my passport application and looked at my age. Then she asked if I was going to have my tubes tied, and that I REALLY need to have my tubes tied.....

I basically told her that I was not having my tubes tied and that we had planned a big family as long as we had been together. I continued by telling her that our "big" family was quite happy, thank you.

Why do strangers think they can tell other strangers what they should do to their body and how many kids they can have? Even if this was an "uh-oh" pregnancy for us, it was all in God's plan and we could not be happier. I am not asking these people to take care of my kids, by babysitting or financially. We don't ask for government assistance. We pay LOTS of taxes. We depend only on ourselves. Why is it any of their business?

So, to put the questions to rest.....

No, I am not getting my tubes tied. I had five kids....I have done my part, enough said.

Yes, we have always planned a big family.

No, we are not planning anymore kids. We were not planning on this baby. With that said, I would not trade any of my kids for the world! The fact that anyone would expect me to say I wish I did not have one or several or all of them or that they were not wanted.....GET REAL!

Our life might be a crazy whirlwind, but it is the crazy whirlwind I have wanted as long as I can remember and it is OUR crazy life! It is not always the quietest, calmest life, but we love our life and could not be happier (most of the time). We don't just sit at home because we don't want to deal with taking all of our kids out. We go everywhere as a family....even grocery shopping.

Okay, my rant is over now. PEOPLE: get a life of your own that does not include meddling in complete STRANGERS lifes!

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