Monday, February 02, 2009

Super Bowl

We watch the Super Bowl every year, even though we don't watch much of the season games. We set up a blanket on the living room floor for the kids to sit on and eat while they watch and we put all kinds of food on the coffee table.

It is exciting for them for a while, and then they get bored and go off and play. This year, though, Caleb actually wanted to watch.

We are not "fans" necessarily of either team, but I like to root for the underdog, so we were cheering on the Cardinals. Caleb was right there with us, until the score was 20 -7. Then he suddenly swapt to being a Steelers fan!

They did not get to stay up for the whole game (school night!!), but when he got up this morning he asked who won. I told him Steelers, and he started jumping up and down saying he KNEW the Steelers would win. I had to call him on can't just swap teams to the winning team!!

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