Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Slick, but Not Slick Enough

We don't allow the boys to play their Wii or other games during the week. When they think they can, they rush through homework and don't do it all or do it right. We also get conduct folders every day for the younger two and every Friday for Caleb. If they do not get perfect conduct for the week they don't get to play on the weekends either. They know how they are supposed to act and maybe I expect a lot, but that is the rules.

Last night, I went to make sure the house was locked up, etc so I could go to bed. I noticed that Isaac and Caleb's Gameboys were not on the mantle where they were. I went to confiscate them, but the kids were asleep already.

This morning, the Gameboys were sitting EXACTLY where they were before they snuck out of their rooms and took them. I told the boys they were grounded from their Gameboys and they both innocently ask why. I told them I knew they had taken them last night. They both said "No we didn't. That is exactly where they were when we went to bed."

I simply replied "If you would like to continue to lie to me, we will make it two weeks."

They both fessed up.

They are good, but not THAT good! Always remember, Mom's have eyes EVERYWHERE and she sees all!!!

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