Friday, February 13, 2009

Valentine's Day in a House of Boys

I asked my husband if there was anything particular he wanted for Valentine's Day. He said he didn't realize that Valentine's Day was a gift exchange holiday.

Wow! Since when had it NOT been? I guess because he is normally out of town with work on Valentine's Day, he forgot how it works. Someone needs to retrain him!

The problem with this household....noone cares about Valentine's Day, other than the party and candy. You can walk in any store and find anything girly for VD. But, not much for boys. They don't care about love and romance. They don't have time for any of that. I am outnumbered! I SHOULD be able to sleep in in the morning and not have to do ANYTHING tomorrow with me being the only "girl". I could get away with doing nothing tomorrow, but I will make up for it Sunday when I get up and it is all still there!

I have a LOT of training to do. These boys will eventually have girls. I need to think of them!

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