Sunday, February 08, 2009

Boys and Magazine Covers

I am getting to where I don't feel like I can go to the store with my boys. Caleb has gotten to where he reads the fronts of magazines while we are standing in line. This morning we were in line for way too long. Paul nudged me and nodded at Caleb. I looked down at Caleb and he is shaking his head yes, with a grin on his face, checking out the barely covered girl on the cover of Cosmo. You can imagine the headlines, the same that are always on the cover of Cosmo.

Something really needs to be done about the magazines that are sitting at checkouts. Couldn't they at least put those type on the top in the back instead of down low on the sides of the aisle? I mean, let's make it a LITTLE less obvious.

As for me, I guess from now on when the kids are with us, I will turn over all of the magazines so the boys cannot read and see the covers. I can't stop them from being boys, but I don't have to encourage it either.

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