Thursday, February 19, 2009

30 Week Update

I have begun sleeping better without the use of the Ambien lately. I was not using it very often, just times I didn't think I would make it another day without some sleep. I think at this point it is just pure exhaustion! I still get up several times throughout the night, but I am usually able to go back to sleep fairly quickly. It is definently not because I am any more comfortable at this point. The exhaustion is catching up with me, I am crabby a lot (yeah, I admit it - four boys, terrible twos, potty training, a five year old that never stops talking, normal daily duties that don't end because I don't feel well, etc...!!). I nap every day that I can when Andrew naps, but it never seems like enough!

She has been pushing outward a lot. My stomach is rock hard most of the time. What are the odds I can keep a rock-hard belly after I have the baby? Yeah, I, but hey a girl can wish. I am anxious to see how big she is. I was the biggest, most active out of four. She definently fits the most active category, and she feels like she is huge, but that might have something to do with her constant kickboxing and gymnastics she performs inside of ME! She even amazes Daddy with how active she is.

She is also still sitting low. I am just going to assume that she is quite happy there and will remain there until she comes out.

I have been getting nauseaus again, off and on for the last couple of weeks. Nothing too bad though, it is just annoying. I have started my cranberry/apple juice kick that I have always gotten on before I have babies and usually continue well after. Mostly, I have been drinking LOTS of water. I crave it, which is odd because I am not usually a fan of plain water.

Overall everything is going about typical for last trimester. We are all very excited and ready to meet this little girl!

Oh, just a funny tidbit....we were watching Family Guy the other night (one of Paul's favorite shows). The dad was out buying a "car" for his daughter. He opted for a tanker...literally an army tank. Paul looked at me and said "that will be us when we go to get her a car." I pointed out that if she had a car she could see boys. You could see him rethinking her having a car. He said there would be a GPS on her at all times so he always knew where she was.

I wonder if it has really hit him yet that he is about to have a DAUGHTER?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Has Paul seen the GPS bracelets that look kind of like watches? They only come off with a key and can be placed on the wrist or ankle. When Dad was looking at these a few years ago they cost about $400.