Tuesday, April 17, 2007

So Much to Blog...So Little Time!

We are still trying to get into a routine here, so things are a little crazy.

Friday morning when the pediatrician checked on Andrew so we could be discharged they found that he had a heart murmur. The pediatrician ordered an echo before we could leave the hospital. This kept us there until 3:30 in the afternoon!

The technician that read the echo said it looked like he has ASD or Atrial Septal Defect. Basically, it means he has a hole in his septum between his two upper chambers. This is just what the technician saw - we have not gotten the results from the cardiologist yet.

After talking with our pediatrician, they let us go home. Our pediatrician pretty much told the nurse at the hospital that we were very responsible parents and would know if there was a problem and what to do .

Often, this hole will close on its own, but if it doesn't it could require surgery. We decided in the hospital we were not going to worry about it until we are told to worry about it. That does not mean that I am not guarded and keep and extra eye on him for signs that he is having problems, just means I am not going to focus on it or let the worry take over me!

We go to the pediatrician tomorrow so they can listen again and see where we go from there.

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