Monday, April 30, 2007

Isaac Shocks Us!!

I have been meaning to post this, but only remember when I can't get to the computer. Friday, Isaac shocked Paul and I, big time. Our normal routine consists of him bringing us his shoes to untie, and then him putting them on and asking us to tie them. We usually tell him to try (he has been working on this in OT for a while).

Friday morning, I told him to try to tie his shoes while I was getting dressed. After a while, Isaac came running in all excited. "I tied my shoes by myself!!" I looked down expecting to see a bunch of knots. HE REALLY TIED HIS SHOES BY HIMSELF!!

It was not just a one time accident though. I have not tied his shoes (other than putting a double knot in) since then. I am SOOOOOOO proud of him. This is a really big accomplishment for him!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Give him a hug and big kisses from me! I'm so proud of him! Lindsay