Tuesday, April 03, 2007


That is what I am right now. Beyond the fact that I am 9 1/2 months pregnant - this poison ivy! I am putting so many different things on my stomach right now, and am having to walk around with my shirt pulled up or off to let all the creams, etc dry.

Here is what is hard. When I was talking to the dr about using the hydrocortisone cream, he told me to start using it again and that there was another medicine I could take, but that it is an oral medicine and they don't like to give it in late pregnancy. It would have been easier if I had not known about it. I really want to call and ask the dr for it, but I don't want to do anything to jeapordize the baby, obviously.

The benadryl last night helped me sleep! I only got up one time last night - which I don't remember the last time I only got up once. Unfortunately, the one time I got up I was up for about 20-30 minutes trying to get the itching under control. I am alternating the hydrocortisone cream, benadryl cream and this spray that numbs itching and pain (this spray was introduced after I had Isaac and works REALLY well). They all work short-term but not near long enough! I am also taking oatmeal baths, taking benadryl pills, and putting cool wet washclothes on it. The wet washcloth works GREAT as long as I can just lay down so they will stay on!

I am on day 5 of this, and still have spots coming up. I guess we know where Caleb gets his poison ivy allergy!! Paul and I both are allergic to it, so I guess the kids are doomed! I wish I could pinpoint when, where and how we got this!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you're so miserable. ;-( I can't wait to see you -- assuming that work will ever let me leave the office. Lindsay