Monday, April 09, 2007

Houston, We Have A Problem

A BIG problem. Yesterday afternoon we had to make a quick trip to Home Depot - which we were not sure would be open since it was Easter. One major design flaw in this house is that they put the doorbell in the hall with the kids rooms - wouldn't you think it would be in the middle of the house or at the master bedroom? We cannot hear the doorbell - or knocking - if we are in our room.

Right after we moved in, someone had come to the door selling newspapers or something and the boys opened the door and talked to them. They did not even come get us - not even Caleb!! Caleb did not open the door - and I am not sure if he was even out there with them, but he knew what his brothers were doing and did not come get us.

Yesterday, we had put a doghouse out at the road - getting rid of it. An older couple rang the doorbell and we did not hear it. Paul walked into the kitchen and heard the boys talking and noticed the front door open. The boys had answered the door and GONE OUTSIDE with these people. Luckily for us, they told the boys to go in the house. Paul went out and talked to them - they were wanting to know if they could have the doghouse.

We left immediately to get a lock to put on the top of the front door. I cannot get Isaac and Bryce to understand about strangers. When I was telling them that someone could take them and put them in their car and drive away with them, Bryce says "but he didn't!"

It also upsets me that Caleb knows his brothers are doing this and doesn't come let us know! The problem has been temporarily fixed - at least now they can't open the door, but we really have to work on the stranger thing with them!!!

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