Saturday, April 28, 2007


Last night Andrew did GREAT!!! He ate at about midnight, again around 4 and then at 7:30 this morning. We think he already may be having some allergy issues. My allergies have been bothering me the last couple of days and he was doing a lot of sneezing and a little bit of a runny nose, so I think that may have had something to do with the lack of sleep Thursday night!

He has stayed awake a lot today too. He ate better and has been awake more today than he has to date. Hopefully, this means he will sleep well tonight and then we will start to get a good routine going.

He has started taking naps in his crib. I found that if I put something against his side (like a teddy bear or pillow) he sleeps better. I guess he feels like he is still being held. This will work until he is moving around more or rolling over! Hopefully by then he will just be used to sleeping on his own.

He is still sleeping in our bed at night, though. All of the boys slept in our bed in the beginning, when I was breastfeeding pretty frequently throughout the night. If we can get on a better pattern of eating, that would help a lot.

I was reading a magazine the day I posted about how he has always wanted to sleep while being held - since he was born. I have a lot of people give me a bad time and tell me I am already spoiling him. I question whether a baby can be spoiled this young, but regardless, he came out not wanting to be put down. He always wanted close contact. This article in this magazine addressed this exact issue. It said that some babies are just "high-need" babies. There is nothing wrong with them, they just need more than other babies.

I find myself a lot calmer with Andrew than I was with the other boys. I think a lot of it is just that I am not trying to do everything at once. I have learned to take it day by day and enjoy the time I have and where we are at in his life. It makes things much more relaxing and enjoyable with him!

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