Friday, April 27, 2007


Last night was Andrew's worst night yet. His tummy seemed to be bothering him, I guess maybe something I ate did not agree with him, although I don't know what it would be. Needless to say it was a long night and early morning since the boys got up at 6 - which is about what time Andrew went to sleep!

Bryce is still acting out, but luckily he keeps it directed at Daddy and I (really, mostly me). He has not started taking it out on Andrew yet, and hopefully it will stay that way!

Caleb asked me to come have lunch with him - I think mainly so he can show off his new brother. He brought one of the aids out to the car yesterday to see him. They are all such proud big brothers!

I went to get Isaac the other day from school. One of his teachers always asks if they can keep Andrew and Isaac and Bryce always say no. I decided to see what would happen if I tried to leave him. They were both close to tears and went over together and picked up the car seat - with him in it. Should we start a pool to see how long before they are trying to give him away??

Last night was the first night I had to fix dinner. Monday night we were still having meals delivered. Tuesday and Wednesday Paul had some grand opening things going on at work and got home late so I cheated with dinner and did super easy freezer foods, that really required no time or effort! Still does not seem much different having four instead of three. Got dinner fixed and cleaned up with no problems.

Still getting into our new routine and trying to figure out what our new normal is going to be!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello! Congratulaions on your newest addition. You all are such a beautiful family and I am so happy that you have this blog to keep us updated! I love the pictures, very handsome boys!