Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The No-Bed Baby!

Andrew is not a bed baby!! This is taking some adjustment for me, because none of the other boys were like this. Since he was born, if you lay him in a bed, he crys. I try to let him cry it out, he doesn't - he keeps crying. It is not just that he does not like his crib or his playpen, he wants constant contact.

In the hospital, he ended up sleeping on me! It wasn't that bad because I was on steroids and was not sleeping. I don't think I slept more than 15 minutes at a time at the hospital. The first night home - he did not sleep, but did not really cry. He would let out a grunt every now and then and we would get up and check on him and he would be contently staring. The second and third night we were home he was up all night - with lots of crying. Last night he did pretty well. I woke up before he did for feedings so he never really got worked up.

He has spent a lot more time awake today than he has any other day - maybe because he spent a lot more time asleep last night!! We are hoping this means good things for tonight!!

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