Saturday, April 28, 2007


I have noticed something interesting. We went to the zoo today, and then this evening we went grocery shopping. It is amazing the number of people that stop and ask if Andrew is a boy and if we have four boys. It seems like those that DON'T stop us and ask - just look!

Those that do stop us and ask then give us stories about their children of all the same sex or of a friend or friend of a friend of a friend that has three or four of the same sex.

What I think is so interesting about it is that when it was just the three boys, sometimes people would stop and ask if they were all ours, and "wow, three boys!" But, when we all go somewhere since Andrew got here (and really even when I was pregnant) - we ALWAYS get stopped and ALWAYS have people looking!


Anonymous said...

Wait until people start coming up and asking if you know what causes babies...That happen to me a couple of times, finally I just said yes and we had SOOOO much fun that we just couldn't stop!! the busybody humphed and walked off. I know I had the last laugh because I still laugh about it. You will be totally amazed what rude comments can come from people who are seemingly well mannered.

Love, Mom

email said...

I have four girls. The youngest is 6 months old. Same deal, except they always add, "Your poor husband." What the heck is that about?