Tuesday, April 03, 2007

No Sleep Tonight!

We have been waiting on a cold front to move in that was suppose to bring some severe weather. I tried to get the boys in bed a little early to beat it and the one that needed to beat it the most - didn't!

For about an hour we had nothing but lightening. Then I was looking out the front window and heard some loud bangs and it started hailing. The bangs were not thunder. They were our two 96 gallon trashcans - with trash - being thrown across my front yard into the street. So I had to run out -in the hail - to get the trashcans! When the loud bang happened it also opened the door from the kitchen to the garage (and the garage door is down!)! Pretty big pressure change I guess!

So, Bryce is up. Luckily, I guess, I had not taken my benadryl yet - and I guess I won't tonight!

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