Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Dermatologist Appointment

So, I went to see my dermatologist about the poison ivy. The poison ivy has pretty much gone, it has now turned into hives. The bad news is that the hives could last up to 6 weeks - and I am not sure that they are any better than poison ivy. It itches just as bad! I am glad that it is not still poison ivy spreading like I thought it was!

He gave me Zyrtec and told me to supplement with childrens benadryl during the day and regular benadryl at night. Then he said that he was going to call my OB about putting me on a steroid IV after I have the baby tomorrow.

This is the epitomy of misery!!

My "village" is working hard to help us with the kids, etc while at the hospital. We have a great support group, thank goodness. We have people from church delivering meals every night for the first week after we get home.

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