Monday, April 02, 2007

37 Week Check-up

The dr has told me I can use Hydrocortisone cream!! YEAH!!!!! I slept fairly well last night, getting up every couple of hours to use the bathroom like normal. When I woke up around 3:30 - I was REALLY itchy and could not get it to stop. I FINALLY fell back asleep!

Bryce told the dr I played in poison ivy. The dr looked at me and I said yes I have poison ivy all over my stomach and would love a remedy for the itching! He asked how I got it - especially since it is only on my stomach. I told him I did not know. He looked at it and was amazed at how bad it was. He asked if it itched pretty bad. YES!! He told me to use benadryl and hydrocortisone cream and to make sure and wash my hands if I scratch so it does not spread anymore. I think the spreading that has happened so far has been from my clothes though, not my hands!

As for Andrew, he is in position for delivery - head down. I have dilated to a one - which for me is a pretty good accomplishment 3 weeks out! Heartbeat sounded good, and everything seems to be fine. I go back Monday (although I hope I don't make it!!).

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