Thursday, April 19, 2007

Andrew Update

Well, Andrew went for his one week checkup. The hospital never told me his discharge weight, so I had no clue where he was at. At discharge, he was 6-15 - at one week he was 6-14. The dr was not too concerned - he thinks he was still just losing like normal and should be going up now. We have to go back next week and have his weight checked.

As far as the ASD, the cardiologist report said there was nothing showing on the echo. Dr. S (the pediatrician) listened to his heart and did not hear a murmur. Paul and I are a little confused as to how they heard a murmur and a technician read his echo as ASD, but now they hear nothing and the cardiologist did not see anything on the echo, but we are more than happy to accept that he is healthy!!

Dr. S also checked his blood pressure on all extremities - which came back normal. Then they put a heel warmer on his foot for several minutes and took blood from his heel. They were checking for jaundice. The count had to be under 20 and his was 12. So he has jaundice, but not severe enough that we have to take him in everyday to be checked or put under lights. We are trying to let him get some sunlight to get rid of it.

Overall - he is healthy. I am glad we did not waste our time stressing and worrying about it for the last week.

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