Thursday, April 19, 2007

Piranha or Rubber Ducky?

Andrew goes from being my piranha to my rubber ducky pretty quickly. I usually call him a piranha because if anything touches his face, he trys to eat it! Or if anyone is holding him he trys to eat their shirt. He is always going after something to put in his mouth.

I have never seen a newborn suck on a pacifier like he does. The other three did not use pacifiers AT ALL. Andrew has used it since day one. No confusion though!! He was a champ nurser from birth and the pacifier has not affected that. He sucks that thing like there is no tomorrow!

Rubber ducky comes from his hiccups. He still gets the hiccups several times a day and they always sound like a squeaky duck!

So - don't take offense to the nickname piranha - it is given in love!

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