Monday, April 02, 2007

Bathing Dillema

First off, I have already gotten VERY spoiled with my tub! I was wanting to take an oatmeal bath for the poison ivy, but I did not want to clog up the jets in my tub, so I took it in the boys bathroom. There tub is tiny!! I am used to my BIG tub!!

Secondly, since I used the smaller tub, I could not get my big belly under the water. I stayed in for about 15 minutes, continuously pouring water over my stomach! Did the best I could - then SMOTHERED my stomach in hydrocortisone cream and popped a benadryl! Maybe I will sleep through it all tonight!

While in the tub I decided my stomach is looking more like a globe than a basketball everyone says it looks like. A nice globe though. You know, the ones that have the land raised up so you can feel it! The land on my globe is BRIGHT red instead of green and the interstates are in the water (the bright blue veins in my stomach). It has some big continents, some small continents and LOTS of little islands.

Hopefully my continents will quickly begin to break apart and disappear!! At least maybe my globe could become a not-as-nice one and the raised continents will become unraised!!

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