Sunday, October 28, 2007

Walking with Dinosaurs

We went to see Walking with Dinosaurs this weekend in Dallas. The boys LOVED it! I have never seen any of the boys sit so still or quiet for any length of time, much less the length of the show. Even Andrew watched it and seemed to enjoy it. We had third row seats to the show, so it was REALLY loud! We did not know we were that close until we got to our seats. The boys were pretty excited. I am so glad they enjoyed themselves. They deserve it with Daddy being out of town so much. It is hard to squeeze fun time in our very short weekends!

Here are some pictures and short videos of the show. The videos were taken on our digital camera, so they are short and not too long! The sound is also not that great! It was loud for that little camera!!

We took the DART train from by Nana's house to the West End in Dallas. We got off thinking we were supposed to catch a bus! WRONG! We were supposed to stay on the train. We waited for another train to come by, but it never came. We ended up walking (I was wearing high-heeled boots while carrying Andrew) a very lengthy (felt like it anyway) walk from West End to American Airlines Center!! We missed the first 20 minutes or so of the show.

Isaac got scared when TREX came out. Lindsay says he sank down in his sink and kinda disappeared. That is all he has talked about though - the BIG TREX!

They wore their Walking with Dinosaurs tshirts today. Every person we have stopped and talked to, from friends to the cashier at various places, they have ALL heard about the show!

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