Monday, October 01, 2007

MDO - no more!

I think Bryce is going to quit going to MDO. I have always had a hard time justifying paying the almost $100 a month for him to go. It is not that it is too much, only $10 a day that he goes, but I am home! Last year, I didn't feel as bad about it because I could get a lot done in the 10 hours a week he was gone. Now, I still have AJ at home with me, and now Lilah, and Daddy is traveling a lot, so it just doesn't seem worth the money anymore.

I asked him last night if he wanted to stay home with me. I was really expecting a fight because he really LOVES going to school, but he said he wanted to stay home with me.

Paul has pretty much left it up to me. He knows how...ummm...CHALLANGING Bryce can be and knows that is my only break from him. I have really been going back and forth about what to do for the past two months, since I got the registration packet in the mail for MDO. I guess, I am going to pull him out!

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