Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Some AJ tricks

He is at that stage where he is hitting milestones so fast it is hard to keep up with them all!! Here are some of the things he is doing at 5 1/2 months!

a couple of my FAVORITE pics
he can get on his hands and knees.

he can make faces,
he can eat his hands (and anything else that comes within reach!)

he can be a monkey and hang upside down (one of his favorite things to do - it gives people heart attacks, especially elderly women who stop and lecture me!!)

And he can even fly!!
another one of my FAVORITE pics!!
I walked into this after fixing Lilah's lunch. I should have known his days would be limited in the seat (or minutes). The post under this one was about 20 minutes later. He WAS laying back in this seat!
I LOVE this picture!! He is SO happy!

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