Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Funny Bryce

Bryce has started telling "jokes". Most of them are "why did the chicken (dog, cow, horse, alien, toilet) cross the road?" "To get to the other side." Then there are some that are completely goofy and don't make sense and whatever you say is the right answer. Imagine our surprise when we are driving down the road playing this game. Bryce asks "Why did the rabbit throw the alarm clock?" I don't remember MY response but he said "Because he wanted to see time fly!" IT MADE SENSE!!! HE ACTUALLY TOLD A REAL JOKE!!! The giggling is even funnier than the goofy jokes though!!
I took this picture half asleep and in the dark. Usually if he comes in our room at night he goes and gets a blanket out of our closet. I guess last night he didn't want to do that. He put on MY jeans to keep his legs warm and covered up with one of Andrew's blankets to keep his upper body warm! Luckily, Andrew had another blanket, this time. Bryce has before come in and took the blanket that Andrew was sleeping with (and Andrew was only in a diaper and an ice cube when he got up) to cover himself up! Looking out for #1!!
Bryce chose his clothes for CHURCH!!

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