Thursday, October 04, 2007

The Clown Bag

I have given up using "burp clothes"!! There is no point in them anymore. One time of Andrew spitting up, and the burp cloth is soaked! We have gone to using hand towels!! They cover more of ME and they hold a lot more "moisture". I just wish I had done this from day one! If you are ever looking for me in a crowd - I am the one with the baby either wearing the towel or the spit-up (or both)!!

People give me a bad time because of the size of my diaperbag, that I take everywhere I go! Let me tell you - it is a clown bag!! You know, one of those bags that you start pulling stuff out of and the stuff never ends!! Let me share a secret with you - not only do I have the diaperbag I take in places with me, but I have a diaperbag that stays in the car with refill supplies!! You have to understand that first off, I don't carry a purse AND a diaperbag. Just the diaper bag. Second, Andrew requires A LOT OF STUFF!! I have his towels (always have to have a couple spares and the one he is using at the moment), a couple of changes of clothes (which I only put onesies, it is not like I am packing complete outfits), bottles and formula (I have to feed him every two hours), small snacks, diapers, wipes, a couple of toys to entertain him, a couple of pacifiers, a small blanket, disposable changing pads, ziploc bags with LOTS of paper towels (because his throw up often lands on the floor of wherever we are - don't want a customer falling because of baby vomit, and don't want to have to hunt down someone to bring me papertowels) and trashbags. Oh yeah, then there is my wallet, palm and phone and whatever the other four boys bring with them and then decide they don't want to carry!!

Want to know what happens the rare occasions I DON'T take the entire house with me? That is the one time I need something badly!! I have tried on several occasions to make a quick trip into the store with just AJ and a pacifier and/or toy. His diaper explodes or his stomach explodes or SOMETHING!! It is just easier to stay PREPARED!!

Oh, the diaper bag that stays in the car. It is equipped much the same, minus my stuff. But, then you need to add a change of clothes for Bryce (he doesn't need to go to the bathroom until there is not one available and it is ALWAYS when he can't hold it anymore when he tells us - not to mention he wears EVERYTHING on his clothes)and an extra shirt for me for those above mentioned explosions!

So, you can see that every outing is like packing for a trip, a fun trip, a getaway trip. We won't even talk about the packing involved for that. Let's just say that is why we don't travel much!! Small car + big family = NO ROOM (and that does not include luggage!)

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