Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Andrew's Dr Appointment

Andrew went back to the GI dr today. His upper gi came back fine. The report said they were initially concerned about his anatomy, but did the GI test several times and decided it was normal. I told her I did not feel like the Prevacid was doing it's job because he was still throwing up a lot. That would be because the Prevacid is not to keep him from throwing up, it is so that what he throws up does not burn his espohagus! I told her my concern on the price and asked if there was anything else he could take. She said nothing else she would recommend. She did, however, give us lots of samples!

He still is not gaining the way she wants to see, so we are trying a couple of new things. We are concentrating his formula more. Instead of three scoops for a six ounce bottle, we are doing four. This takes his calories from about 120 calories per bottle to over 200. We are also supposed to start feeding him solids 4 times a day and add butter, margarine or oil (fat content) to everything he eats. This is fine because he LOVES to eat food.

She said as far as the throwing up goes, the only thing we can do at this point to stop that is surgery. I quickly told her I would rather buy new carpet! She said she did not want to do surgery either. She is hoping that he will start gaining weight doing this stuff and then between that and the fact that he is UP and mobile more, he will outgrow the reflux. She said IF they are going to outgrow it, it is usually by the time they are 1. If this stuff does not start working, she will want to scope, check for allergies, etc. She does not want to rush into any of that because he does not ACT like he has any of those problems.

It was funny when she came in. She came in and introduced herself. At first I was confused since we have seen her so often, but she says "I'm sorry, your doctor could not see you today so you are stuck with me!" She was dressed up as a gypsy (as was her nurse). Andrew (and Bryce and Lilah) loved it! Andrew loved all of the shiney stuff hanging off her and they all loved the noise her clothes made! After we were done with the visit and while I dressed Andrew, she went and got Bryce and Lilah a small bag (like a medicine sample bag) and took them trick or treating. They had several "stations" set up through the office and the dr took them to each one and made sure they got lots of candy!

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