Friday, October 19, 2007

A Boob Man

Andrew was born a boob man!! He has always wanted to nurse - since the few minutes after birth when we first attempted and succeeded. Now, it is getting CRAZY!!!

He won't sleep unless he is on my chest. I finally got him to sleep with me on my side, but he has to be up against me with his head between boobs! He has been sleeping in his playpen or crib fine until this past weekend. I have always had to rock him to sleep with him on his "pillows" but then I can usually put him in his bed. This week though, if I lay him down in his bed he may sleep for an hour or so, then wakes up screaming and the only way to get him to stop is to put him in bed with me. I even went to another room to let him cry it out - did not work!

Not only is he having to sleep with his "pillows" but with the hand that he is not sucking his thumb with he has to either hold my hand or my shirt.

I think I am paying the price for my one overnight trip!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Seems he likes to sleep like Kelsie....maybe she told him all about it last Sunday in the nursery. Sorry about that. I will tell her to try to keep our family secrets quiet from now on.