Thursday, October 11, 2007

6 Months

Andrew is SIX MONTHS OLD today!! Can you believe it? Doesn't seem like it has been that long. Life is such a whirlwind of busyness between schools and drs and everything that time has flown by! I think it has something to do with having kids - one day they are newborns, helpless in your arm, the next they are driving and graduating. I already have a child that is planning what kind of vehicle he is going to drive!

But, I digress! Andrew is 6 months old. He is having a rather pukey ukie day. No, literally - his refulx is HORRIBLE today! I think more is coming out than is going in! We are going through towels (not burp clothes - big, thick hand towels) and it is not even 11 am yet!!

Here are some of the milestones Andrew has reached in the last six months. If you read this regularly, these may be old to you, but none the less:
he is still nursing twice a day (no biting yet!)
he finally agreed to take a bottle after weeks of fighting!
he is eating anything and everything - including some solid solids!
I am still making his baby food. He LOVES the homemade stuff, but also eats the store bought.
As obvious from above, he still has bad reflux!
he tries to eat everything he touches! Really have to watch that with three older brothers running around!

he sleeps through the night and has for several months now.
he does not sleep as much during the day as he used to, but still sleeps for long peroids at a time. Rarely does he get to complete a nap because we always have to take or go get someone from somewhere!

he has two teeth (lower)
he is crawling although he is still a little unsteady on his hands and knees
he is VERY close to getting in the sitting position by himself and can sit for a few minutes at a time if put in the sitting position.
he still sucks his thumb and has started sucking his big toe a lot too!
Overall he is a very happy baby!

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