Thursday, October 04, 2007


The office at the boys school is ALMOST on a first name basis with me already!! They do know who my kids are! Between Caleb and everything we have been dealing with with him, and now twice this week Isaac has forgotten his lunchbox at HOME, I feel like I am there ALL the time!!

The policeman that is there in the morning knows who we are because Bryce wore his fireman costume up there one day and the police man talked to him. Then the next day he saw Bryce and said something about his fireman rubber boots and said he had too much fireman stuff he was going to have to get him some police stuff!! I guess we can be on first name basis with the fire dept and the police dept. Good people of have on our side I guess!!

Anyway - so Isaac got a charge slip home last week that said he had over $5 in charges in the lunch room. Apparantly, he has been eating breakfast up there. Why they allow him to, since I did not set up an account (they use a thumb print system instead of names or numbers). I sent a letter back telling them NOT to allow him to EVER charge his lunch - I make him a lunch DAILY! They sent a letter home that said they got my note too late, he had charges breakfast that morning! COME ON PEOPLE!!! I talked to Isaac and they flagged his account and said they would call before they allow him to charge! He is a sneaky little thing - and YES I DO feed him breakfast before school!!

What a crazy year it has been so far!!!!

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