Thursday, October 25, 2007

Andrew's New Game

Last weekend Andrew was siting in my lap and I was patting my leg to get his attention. He started repeating me. It looks kind of funny now, though, because he just randomly starts waving his arm up and down in the air. I know what he is doing - but others don't!!

Now he has also started doing the same with one of his legs. It is pretty funny to watch.

He will spend long chunks of time just staring at his hands open and close. He HUMS!!! Especially when he is nursing or taking a bottle! Cute, unless it is 5 am and you are trying to snooze!! He is pretty loud!

One of the funniest things I think he has started doing is...kneading! You know how a cat kneads when he is purring or happy. Andrew does that while nursing. IT HURTS!! I have little claw marks on me! Makes me remember to keep those nails clipped (which I have to do at least twice a week).

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