Thursday, October 25, 2007

Pixie Goes to School

This is Pixie. Pixie is a Clydesdale horse that decided to see what it was like to go to school. It was a cold, drizzly day. The first thing she did when she got there was see how "school grass" taste. It was good! Pixie ate and ate and ate! When she looked up, there were lots of little people staring at her in amazement!

The cowgirl introduced Pixie to everyone.

Then all of these LOUD kids came up to pet her! Isaac is above (teacher is in the way), and Bryce is down below.

I was at the "wrong" end of the horse!! I could not go to the other side because I could not get the stroller past all the kids without going off-roading in the mud! Here is a video of the cowgirl telling about Pixie. Pretty interesting. Sorry - it is not the best video - I had a 2 year old strapped to my wrist, a four year old running around trying to push his brother (and the stroller) off the curb and a five year old trying to show all of his friends his "little baby brother" (who was sleeping)- I think Andrew was as exciting as the horse to them!

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