Thursday, October 18, 2007


Andrew has too much energy! This video is proof!

He is not SUPPOSED to be able to do this. The point of the Bumbo seat is that they are not supposed to need straps to hold them in. There bottom is lower than their legs and that is suppose to keep them in the seat. I guess Andrew is the exception - the baby that is TOO strong for his own good and can get out. He is close - close enough I don't trust him to be left unattended - even on the floor!

Before I grabbed the video camera - he was facing AWAY from me. I turned around and saw him going in circles and had to catch it! He was trying everything to get out - and almost did! Some more monkey moves and also - did you see him trying to suck his big toe and start screaming because he could not get it!!

I am telling you - HE IS A MONKEY!!

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