Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Prescription Cost

Andrew's drs have been giving him samples of him medicine for his reflux since he started it - which I am very appreciative of!! I, however, called and got a prescription called in for him today because we are running low on his samples. Luckily, we are paid for the year with our insurance and they pay 100% of EVERYTHING!! Come January - well, we start over! His prescription will be costing me $160 A MONTH!!!! Until we pay the family deductible for the year ($2200) it will come out of pocket!

If I had known this, I would have taken the samples and also asked for the prescription. Then I would have been filling prescriptions and saving the samples!!! URGHHHHHHH!

Let's think positive and hope he no longer needs the meds, but realistically - I better start saving NOW!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean about prescription cost. I just filled one today for $737.04! If it doesn't make a HUGE difference, I won't be filling it again! Love you guys. Can't wait to see you. Lindsay