Saturday, October 06, 2007

Falling Water Falls

When we were leaving Kings Bluff we explored a little and found a sign for Falling Waters (original name for waterfalls!). We decided to go check it out. After driving for a long time the following pics are what we found. It was pretty awesome, but don't know if we could ever find it again (there are a lot of places like that here!).

It was pretty and there were several little falls leading into a bigger fall. If you notice in the pictures of the bigger fall, there is a tree just past the falls that someone had nailed boards to and made steps. I don't know if you can see it, but there had been some ropes in the trees. It looks like a fun swim hole, that the locals use frequently!

While driving and looking for Falling Waters Waterfall, we came across this church in a pasture. We had to stop and take pictures! Read the signs inside the church. It has "altar" signs all around the altar. I really liked the Let us keep it spiritual signs. It was complete with chicken wire and barbed wire around it and cattle gates as an entrance! I am not sure what the use of this building is because there are two church buildings across the street, but it looked like it was used frequently. There was even a mens and womens restroom behind the "church." Oh, and lets not forget the ice machine in the middle of the church!

The actual buildings also had restrooms behind the buildings that said Men and Women. I am not sure if there were restrooms inside or not. It was actually pretty neat to see. I remember meeting in a tent before our church had a building. I guess they just made a more permanant "tent" to gather in!

Maybe the outdoor "church building" was for when they have parties at the swimhole before church - then they don't track water and dirt into the building!! Or maybe the cows have their own church!! I don't know, but this IS Arkansas!

Where two or more are gathered...

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