Monday, October 01, 2007

Another New Gadget (Two Thumbs UP)

This is another one of those great baby products. It is not some funky pacifier (well I guess it kinda is)!! I don't know how long they have been out, but we have never used them. I have had them in my hand a dozen times at the store, but didn't know how well they worked and always put them back. Then someone told me how great they worked and I got them. They are great!!

It is a fresh food feeder. You put food in it and the baby sucks on it, but they can't get big chunks that they can choke on. I got them today and tried it with AJ tonight while fixing dinner. It sounds NASTY!!! The constant slobber-sucking sound it makes, but he ate his banana and liked it!

I imagine over time they probably get to looking pretty disgusting, but maybe he will be eating on his own before then!

Fresh food, instant puree-er, no dishes to clean!! AJ on the other hand - well I guess he needs a bath every night anyway!! Do bananas do anything great for the skin, if it does - he should be glowing - head to toe!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can you put it in the dishwasher?