Thursday, October 02, 2008

Rethinking the Bus Riding Thing

I am seriously rethinking the whole kids-on-the-bus thing. I am loving not sitting in line, but the drama might not be worth it!!

Yesterday, Caleb was picked up 10 minutes before school started. He is not the last stop, so he got to school JUST in time (good thing he doesn't eat breakfast at school). A different bus and driver came.

This morning, he was picked up 15 minutes before school starts. He was standing right at the road and the bus driver flew right past him. When he noticed they were not slowing down he started waving his hands. The bus driver stopped the next house down. Yet ANOTHER new bus driver.

He is constantly having new bus drivers that don't know the route. Isaac and Bryce have had the SAME bus driver and the SAME bus aide EVERY day of school.

Add on top of the issues with Caleb's bus you have Isaac and Bryce who got in trouble for "cussing" on the bus (which is also where they learned it).

Maybe they have too much talking time when they are on the bus. Too much oppurtunity to learn things I am not ready for them to learn. Maybe this whole bus thing wasn't a good idea.

But it is SO nice not living in my car!

I am reconsidering what is best though.

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