Friday, October 10, 2008

Bryce's Bad Streak....Again

Last night Bryce got mad at Andrew and threw a Little People's Noah Ark (big piece of hard plastic) at him. It hit Andrew in the face and busted his mouth and his cheek swelled up from under his eye to his lip (and turned purple). You can imagine how mad Mama got!!! Andrew went to Daddy, Daddy took him to show Bryce what he had done and discuss why he threw the toy.

Needless to say, last night was an early bedtime for Bryce!

This morning, although Bryce was up over an hour before the bus got here, he goofed off and took too long in the shower, etc. He gets mad all the time because I won't let him have breakfast until he is COMPLETELY dressed (including shoes, socks and belt). So, he came in and had breakfast. I noticed his lunchbox and notebooks were not in his backpack and told him over and over to get his backpack ready (it was almost time for the bus). A few minutes later he is going in a circle trying to put on a jacket and I was helping Isaac. I told him to put the jacket down and take care of his backpack. He got mad, argued with me about putting down the jacket until I could help and ended up throwing it and his lunchbox in his anger.

He got his stuff in his backpack as the bus pulled into the neighborhood. It has three stops before ours, so I was getting the kids out the door and had Bryce's jacket in my hand. I stood on the porch and got the jacket on him (with the bus next door) and went to put his backpack on him. He kept hitting the backpack telling me he did NOT want to wear the jacket. He ended up getting spanked, wearing the jacket and crying. He would not walk to the bus - I had to pull him. He got on the bus still crying saying he didn't want to go to school.

This is only a sign that he will come home with LOTS of checks today (he has come home with as many as EIGHT in one day - at the beginning of the year - but has not had ANY in several weeks). With Bryce, if he starts a day like this - it will be a BAD day! Unfortunately for him, he is going to do this on a Friday - which could likely ruin his weekend!

This little angry streak will end, one way or another!

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