Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Are You Kidding Me?

Caleb came home from school and was complaining about how the girls have been annoying him talking about this guy that came to their class today. I asked who it was and he said some guy named Matthew that is in movies. I don't know why, but I instantly asked "Matthew McConaughey?" Caleb says (in an annoyed voice) "Yeah that is him. He was in the movie Fool's Gold" (which Caleb has never seen - I haven't even seen it). I was blown away and pulled up this picture to make sure:

Caleb says "Yeah that is him, but he was wearing a green shirt and his hair was a little different. The girls have been talking about how cute he is ever since he talked to our class."

I asked why he came, Caleb said he didn't really know, but they had a citizenship awards thing and a student in Caleb's class asked him to come and he did.

I want to know who this kid is!!! ;)

Here is the kicker. Remember how a while back in Arkansas, Caleb got the Sherriff's autograph because he thought he was Dr. Phil (they do look alike and they are both named Phil)....HE DID NOT GET MATTHEW MCCAUGHNEY's AUTOGRAPH!!!

Mommy is so disappointed. I guess it has to be Jessica Simpson or someone "hot" to get his attention!

MATTHEW MCCAUGHNEY - why wasn't I called to volunteer for that one?

1 comment:

7littlerainbows said...

Wonder if Matthew is interested in visiting the sped room......boy could I put him to work ;)