Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Reminders of my Aging

As I have said before, I am really fine with the fact that I am going to be 30 on my next birthday. The thing that gets to me is how quickly my babies are growing up!

Last night, Emily and I were discussing the boys growing. Her oldest just has his tenth birthday. I have known that the time of them being allowed (by law) to drive was inching nearer and nearer. I realized yesterday though, that after this election we will only have one more election before the boys can vote. For some reason, that hit me harder than the driving thing.

Actually, I think Caleb will miss the cutoff by like 2 weeks (maybe) but it is bothering me nonetheless!

As if this was not bad enough...Emily pointed out that we have been friends for SEVENTEEN years!! If that does not age you. We decided we would act like we have been friends since we were babies!!

Okay, I know we are not fooling anyone, but it is better than the truth!

1 comment:

7littlerainbows said...

Oh my gosh......you used my name! My name should have been changed to protect the identity of the aging! ;)