Monday, March 19, 2007

World's Most Disasterous Oil Change

My dear husband always does the maintnance on our vehicles. We were reminded why when my car needed its first oil change. We took it to the dealership because it was free. They go through a checklist of fluids, etc that they are suppose to check and fill. We took it in with the windshield washer fluid completely empty. They use a red, yellow, green chart to let you know how everything is (red if you are out of fluid, yellow if you will soon need service or green if you are good). Everything came back green - even the EMPTY wiper fluid (and yes we got it still empty).

So, we decided we would continue doing the service ourself (as in Paul). Not such a good idea tonight! Paul got under the car and there is an engine cover that had to be taken off. He finally got it off and got to where he could get to the oil filter. During all of this he noticed that the screws were not at all scuffed, so we are wondering if they even changed the filter at our last appt. He got going and was draining the oil - so he thought! He drained all the transmission fluid!! He realized it instantly, but could not get the plug back in. He got the oil draining and went to the store for transmission fluid.

He came home and was finishing up. Got the oil poured in and the cap put back on and started hearing a noise. There is now 5 quarts of oil on my new garage floor!! He forgot to put the plug back in. Now, he is using Synthetic oil - it cost him about $30 JUST for the oil!

Needless to say - he is back at the store for oil and cat litter (to clean up the oil). He is in a VERY BAD mood now that this 30 minute job has turned into a 2+ hour job and two trips to the store. He will probably never be willing to change my oil again!

Don't ever by a sportscar/minivan. You get all of the performance and speed of a minivan with the expense of a sportscar. Unfortunately, we did not know about this sportscar aspect when we bought the car. We soon learned when less than a month after we bought it we had to buy a new tire and found out that they were sportscar tires and cost $250 EACH!!! It also takes the most expensive transmission fluid - and a lot of it!!!


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